On Saturday, Josh and I drove up to Big Bear to meet up with his parents. He wanted to live out his *great dream* of riding up to Big Bear on the Harley. He informed me that his dream didn't include a windsheild, so we went without. Yeah, my neck hurts. But it was fun and the results were pretty good. See for yourself...

We were able to pull over and oh-so-quickly take a few shots. My wonderful guy was patient and excited for me, and never minded that I was throwing him off balance a little... I like this one because I think it could be used in an ad for the "Harley experience." If only there was a sound clip to go with it!

Did you just make the sound effect in your head? Well I did.

Can you see the super-stealth ninja photographer in this self-portrait?

Can you see the super-stealth ninja photographer in this self-portrait?

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